We are Devil’s Gun from Växjö in the south part of Sweden, a band with influences from bands such as Accept, Airbourne and a touch of Motörhead!

Joakim Hermansson – Vocalist
Emil Holmström – Guitar
Philip Nilsson – Guitar
Fredrik Johansson – Drums
Oliver Emanuelsson – Bass

Devil’s Gun started in 2012 by our drummer Fredde Johansson and guitarist Emil Holmström, both of them with a lot of experience from the music scene.
Soon our vocalist Jocke Hermansson joined in and we were ready to get going. For some time the three of us tried out a couple of different genres, mainly Industrial Metal and Heavy Metal. During this period our second guitarist Philip Nilsson joined the group as the band’s bass player and we kept playing together for a while trying to find our own sound.
In the end, we choose to go with Heavy Metal much thank to Jockes powerful and unique voice. Late in the year of 2013 our bass player Oliver Emanuelsson joined in and Philip switched back to his beloved guitar.

With a complete set-up we were ready to really get going with the band and in the summer of year 2014 we recorded our first demo. And the persons to help us with that was Linus Ohlsson and Tobias Ander, both former members of The Scams. Tobbe Ander, also a teacher at AMB; Academy of Music and Business which is co-owned by the music producer, composer and songwriter Andreas Carlsson. Linus Ohlsson owns a studio called ”Studio Raw”, located at his home back in the deep woods of Älmhult.
During the fall and winter of 2014 we hit the road to do some shows around Sweden with great success. We played with Spiders among others and we rounded it up by playing at Christmas Day with Bullet in Växjö (hometown for both bands) in front of a big cheering crowd! In February 2015 we started to record our debut album at Bandstationen in the small town of Ryd.
To help us with this we hired Tony “Täde” Carlsson, a man with years of experience as an sound technician and musician and is now teaching music production and ensemble at the Academy of Music and Business in Tingsryd, Sweden. David Persson Hansen (Racetrack studio), a sound engineer located in Växjö was hired too, for mixing the album. David who helped recording the breakthrough albums of Bullet; “Bite the Bullet” and “Highway Pirates”. After the recording of our debut album we turned to the road again and did some great shows in Sweden, most lately was at Pub Anchor, Stockholm, which went great and with a lot of feedback and requests for more shows in the future. And so, the album is complete and has been mastered by Wincent Persson, guitarist for the band “Killbilly 5´ers” After the first single “Hot Rock City” was released we signed a record deal with “Black Lodge”/”SoundPollution”. Too be continued…